Friday, May 12, 2006

The Cold War and Maps

Domino Theory
This is the map that supported President Eisenhower of the US's ‘Domino Theory’. This theory explains that if people do not take action in stopping the communist Russia and China from invading other countries in South East Asia, then all the countries would eventually all become under communist rule, falling like dominos – one country after another. With his theory, Eisenhower warns other nations and itself that when all the nations had fallen under communist rule, the communist fever will move around the world and, eventually, be able to make the whole world a communist state. On the map arrows with a communist symbol are drawn from communist countries, such as China, to non-communist countries, such as Thailand, showing that communists are on their move to invading and conquering these countries with their communist ideas.
Image from:
Missiles Deployed in Europe
This map shows how bad the tension was between the two superpowers. America, being in fear of Russian attacks, had located some of their missiles in proxy countries such as Britain, France and Italy. The more missiles deployed closer to Russia, the more tension forced Russia to produce more powerful nuclear weapons. This tension only made fear of MAD rise higher and higher, especially in Europe. Europe was the land between USA and Russia, and Europe was where many US missiles were hid. If the Cold War did really turn into a missile war, Europe would, with no doubt, be severely damaged.
Image from:
Longman History Project: Superpower Rivalry p 36


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